Independently Published (pub: August 15, 2019)
Daily Ponderances: Words of hope, humility, and sage advice in 140 characters or less.
Never underestimate the power of words. Weaving their way into our subconscious, words can
wrap themselves around our thoughts and manipulate our emotions. More than any other external
stimuli, words affect our decision-making and frequently dictate our actions.
When we consider the undeniable impact of mere words, both positive and negative, why would
we not make every effort to feed our ravenous inner spirit with words of praise, affirmation, and
beneficial advice?
Daily Ponderances is a book of 365 original quotes of inspiration designed to help you live each
day to the fullest while keeping God in His proper place at the center of all you do.
Created as a father's gift for his daughter's 21st birthday, Daily Ponderances was originally
written as a means to positively impact the everyday life of his daughter as well as adding a
physical artifact to an on-going legacy built on faith and compassion.
Each quote, or ‘ponderance’, is witty, humorous, and thought provoking – causing the reader to
think, or more aptly put – to ponder… some of life's most vexing personal dynamics involving
relationships and difficult decisions, putting the issues of the day in a more spiritual perspective.
Comprised of 140 characters or less, each ponderance is also perfect for sharing on social media
platforms as readers strive to expand their personal sphere of influence with positive vibes and
memorable messages to all.
KEN SLAY is a native Mississippian who grew up in the 60’s playing wiffle ball, basketball, and
freeze tag in his parent’s backyard during a time when kids actually played outdoors. He was
raised by wonderful parents, Kenneth and Jackie Slay along with an older brother Mike and
younger sister Tina. He graduated from Forest Hill High School in 1976 and Mississippi State
University in 1980 with a B.S. degree in Statistics. Over the past forty years, he has done just
about everything you can do with a computer, sometimes remarkably well while others are not
worth mentioning. He is currently employed by the Mississippi Department of Transportation as
a contract programmer.
Ken and his wife Ronda live in Madison. They attend Broadmoor Baptist Church in Madison. He
has two sons, Preston, 37 and Jordan, 34 and a daughter Mae who is 28.
