Garden City, NY: Morgan James Publishing (10/12/21)
Paperback. Signed.
While the world was reading one story, God was writing another. In 1977, amidst the bitterly
cold days of the frigid Cold War, a young couple responded to God’s dramatic call on their lives
to go and live covertly behind The Iron Curtain. Filled with faith and buffeted by fear, they left
the familiar of family and the security of NATO to locate behind enemy lines inside Communist
Poland in order to establish a Kingdom beachhead of evangelism and discipleship.
In Pulling Back the Iron Curtain, God’s Presence Behind the Lines, award-winning author
Debby Thompson shares a collection of personal and intimate stories, revealing a firsthand
account of that unique assignment. With authenticity and vulnerability, this pioneer missionary
makes known to the world the tender and dramatic workings of God—even behind the Iron Curtain.
Mississippi’s own Debby Thompson and her husband, Larry, have served in global missions
with Cru® (Campus Crusade for Christ International) since 1974, and are counted among the
pioneering Western missionaries who lived covertly behind the Iron Curtain in Communist-
controlled Poland. In total, the Thompsons spent 33 years in Eastern Europe, ultimately leading
Cru’s work in 20 European nations. Together with their three children, they were witnesses to a
period of dramatic social, political, and spiritual change.
Now living in Cincinnati, Ohio, Debby, an active grandmother of seven, is an award-winning
author, a sought-after speaker, and a mentor for women around the world. In her newest book,
Pulling Back the Iron Curtain: Stories From a Cold War Missionary, she takes the reader on a
riveting journey to experience the personal challenges of a missionary’s life in the communist
world during the Cold War.
